Neck pain, second to low back pain, is one of the most common conditions that cause a great deal of discomfort to individuals. The inability to turn ones head, avoiding movements in certain direction or having pins and needles done your arm can be frustrating, both from a physical and psychological perspective. Most often, neck pain is the comprised result of the body compensating elsewhere. Unfortunately, whilst the body is good at taking the path of least resistance, it can do it only for so long resulting in an injury.

One of the key differences we at Kinetic Healthcare will offer our patients, it to work out exactly where their pain is being generated from. Dealing with the root of the problem will give quicker results but most importantly get you out of pain and back to a better you. If you have exhausted all other therapies and are at your wits end, we would be only too happy to help  



At Kinetic Healthcare, we offer a variety of chiropractic services